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Health and Social Care Secretary speech on Health Reform

Our cofounder Dr Rehan Symonds shares his thoughts on Sajid Javid speech on healthcare reform, which he delivered at the Royal College of Physicians, London on the 8th March 2022

While the prospect of more NHS reforms may not land perfectly with health service veterans, Sajid Javid's speech on 8th March 2022 strongly referenced digital, personalisation and the NHS App which will now evolve into the digital front door to the nations health infrastructure.

Whether that door is thin, providing authentication and access to services, or more substantial, enlivening the many features provided in the App infrastructure itself, remains to be seen.

What is clear is that the predicted shift of behaviour, focus and strategy forced on us by the pandemic, equating to a 7yr acceleration in the transformation roadmap across all industries including Healthcare, is real and here to stay.

Short term challenges around staffing, recruitment, retention and backlog management, alongside the normal strains of healthcare provision at scale, mean that those tasked to deliver this vision have even less time to devote to the hard and complex yards of digital transformation. And complex means there'll be no silver bullet.

That's why many NHS partners across the UK are working with us to deliver innovations designed to cope with complexity and increase end user engagement. We bring the Tech, the Data and the People together to drive successful digital transformation and realise the impact the digital opportunity offers.

Read how we're supporting ICS teams with their digital uptake challenges and more about our mission, to drive digital uptake at scale.